Sunday, February 1, 2009

An underwater week in Koh Tao

About a week ago we stopped in Koh Tao, we were just going to spend a day and almost a whole week later we are still here! We met an Aussie on the ferry over to the island who was planning on doing his Open Water PADI at Ban's Diving Resort which sounded like such a good idea that Arainn and Breanna decided to do theirs too! The course was short with four dives, two a day in different locations off the coast of Koh Tao. Really amazing corals and fish... blow fish, eels, butterfly fish, nemo. During Arainn and Breanna's course, Megan did some fun dives with another dive company down the street, Phoenix Divers. This company was also offering an ocean clean-up free dive which the three of us decided to do. SO MUCH FUN! The clean-up dive was like a hunt to find all the garbage that had been dumped in the ocean. Which brings us to just yesterday when the three of us decided to stay on Koh Tao for a couple more days to do our Advanced Open Water PADI. Yesterday was the first day of our Advanced and we did three dives, a deep water where we dive down to 30m, a navigation dive where we have to use a compass and computer to navigate through the water and monitor our time underwater, and a night dive which was really neat. At night we use torches to see. There were sting rays, a hermit crab and a whole lot of sleeping fish! During our night dive we turned off our torches and swam in the dark. oooh spooky! Actually it was super cool because all of the plankton glows in the dark and as you swim its all around you and you can see everyone in the water! Today is our last full day in Koh Tao, we will be finishing off our course with two dives, a fish identification, and a multi-level dive and then a party to celebrate! Tomorrow we are planning to make our way back to Bangkok and then take a bus to Cambodia woo hoo! And the adventure continues...


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